How to give an Elevator Pitch?

An elevator pitch is a summary of your qualifications and experience. 


The term “elevator pitch” refers to the fact that it should be brief enough to be delivered during a brief elevator ride. 

You can use this when you’re networking, job hunting, or even at a job interview.


Why is Elevator Pitch important?


An effective elevator pitch depends on three factors in a given circumstance:


You’re having the first interaction with someone.

There isn’t much time for you to get someone’s attention.

The person can in some way assist you.


Anytime someone asks you, “What do you do?” or “What does your company do?” you can generally respond with an elevator pitch. 

It is a brief and compelling summary that provides the information requested while, ideally, piquing the interest of the questioner enough to prompt further inquiry or the desired action.


Let’s see what to include in an Elevator Pitch!


1) Introduce yourself 

 A good pitch begins with a brief introduction. It includes stating your name and what work you do. 

 The more personal you can make your elevator pitch, the more natural it will appear.


2) Put forward the problem

Every solution begins with a problem. 

Whatever problem you or your company is attempting to solve, it is critical to establish the theme for the rest of your speech early in your elevator pitch.


3) Provide a solution

 If the audience is drawn in by the problem, the solution is what keeps them interested.

This is your opportunity to demonstrate why they require your assistance.


4) Tell them why you are unique

 After you’ve described your skills and unique selling point, explain why they make you a good fit for this job role or why you’re a useful contact for them.


5) Add in a call to action.

Your pitch needs to have a strong ending. To ensure you succeed in getting what you want, close your pitch by asking for what you went in for


For example: Let’s discuss this over a Zoom call? 


What not to do while giving an Elevator Pitch:

1) Don’t talk too quickly- Yes, you have a limited amount of time to communicate a lot of information. But don’t try to speak quickly your way out of this predicament. The listeners will have a difficult time understanding your message as a result.


2) Don’t use the same pitch everywhere- One can use a general pitch at any time is a good idea, but you should always try to customize your pitch. You could explain in your elevator pitch why you’re especially enthusiastic about start-up businesses, for instance, if you’re approaching a founder at a career conclave. You have a better chance of succeeding in the conversation if you personalize your ideas.


3) Practice but don’t overdo it- Avoid scowling or speaking monotonously. One drawback of practicing is that it can cause you to concentrate more on recalling the precise words you intend to use than on how your body language and tone are expressing them. Keep your enthusiasm, self-assurance, and energy levels up.


It’s simple to create a speech that can be used in any professional setting by creating an elevator pitch step-by-step. When presenting yourself at your next networking event or interview, elevator pitches can be useful. After all, you are one conversation away from changing your life! 


Till then..

Stay Awesome. Stay Productive.


– Divas Gupta


By divasgupta   |   August 31, 2022

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