January 2022

What is Ikigai?

By divasgupta   |   January 31, 2022
Are you happy with your job? Do you get up every day with a feeling of satisfaction? Do you feel you are living a fulfilled life?   ...
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Phrases to Avoid in Professional Email

By divasgupta   |   January 17, 2022
We have earlier discussed the phrases you should avoid at the workplace. Now, we are here again to discuss some phrases you should avoid in your p...
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5 Businesses that started as a Side-hustle

By divasgupta   |   January 11, 2022
Whenever you think of starting on your own, the first question that arises in your head is:Should I leave my job?  This my friend is ...
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3 Things I Learned Later in Life

By divasgupta   |   January 2, 2022
Do you know one truth about life?That CHANGE is CONSTANT. When a person transcends one phase of life to another, he sees that thing...
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