Is it mandatory to follow your passion?
Very often, you might come across some statements that go like this:
“He left his 9 to 5 job and started following his passion.”
“If you don’t follow your passion, your life is a waste.”
“If you keep doing your regular job, you will never feel satisfied.”
Do you also start questioning your life decisions after coming across these statements?
Do you also feel that you are wasting your life?
Do you also go through the FOMO?
But, you shouldn’t feel so!
Because following your passion is also YOUR choice.
You might choose to live your life on your terms.
There is nothing wrong with doing a 9 to 5 job.
There is nothing wrong with fixed schedules.
There is nothing wrong with choosing a stressless life.
There is nothing wrong with keeping your passion as a hobby.
I am an Ikigai Coach who helps people find their purpose in life.
And all the people I guide are willing to find their passion.
The willingness should come from inside, not outside.
So the next time, always remember:
It’s alright to not pursue something you love if you don’t love pursuing it.
Stay Awesome. Stay Productive.
– Divas Gupta
True lines
Well said
I totally agree with u..
It’s totally alright to not pursue something u love if u don’t love pursuing it